Tips on How to avoid Road Rage.

I thought after the Rolito Go road rage incident way back July 2, 1991, Filipinos will be vigilant about carrying guns and road rage. But i was wrong, every year road rage cases increases and 2013 has i think the highest Road Rage cases so far.

Google screenshot of Road Rage Philippines..
Google screenshot of Road Rage Philippines..

When i was still in college, i drove my own car and i thought and believe that i was the better driver to anyone in the road that every time a PUV commits an obvious mistake of loading and unloading anywhere they want, i really stop, roll down my windows and curse them. Sometimes i go out of my car and kicked the window of a taxi who side swiped me and almost hit me. I even taunted a G-liner driver and his conductor for a fist fight on a rainy night after they bullied me on the road. Those were the days…

As time goes by, maturity kicks in and i just stopped cursing vehicles that is really beyond my control, if the Government can’t correct the mistakes of traffic violators, how can i correct them? Right?

Moving forward, i would like to share to you things to do when you are involve in an accident or traffic altercation during the wee hours of the night or somewhere traffic enforcers are not present.

1. As a responsible, intellectual and courteous driver, you would probably know if you are at fault or not. If you are at fault, apologize immediately and ask if everyone is ok. Let them know if they are insured or not, exchange details like name, contact numbers, ORCR, Drivers License and insurance (in preparation for insurance claim documentation). Commit that you or your insurance agent will call them the following day and part ways nicely.

2. If the other party is at fault, remember that it was an accident, they have no intention of hitting you so just be calm and wait for their apology. After which, ask if they are insured or not, if they are, exchange details like name, contact numbers, ORCR, Drivers License and insurance (in preparation for insurance claim documentation). Ring their contact number immediately to know if they gave you a valid number and get a commitment that they will shoulder the damages. Part ways nicely.

3. Remember that no accident can be resolved in an instant, let both parties cool down that is why it is best to do it the following day. Set aside your PRIDE and stay ALIVE.

4. Respect, be calm and refrain from using harsh words. Again, its an accident. Set aside your PRIDE and stay ALIVE.

5. Think of your future. Having a gun is not always the answer, its already the information technology age, drivers are obliged to be courteous all the time. You are not a barbarian, you are a decent human being.

Hearing and seeing the news about road rage makes me sad as an insurance agent. For me, everything is negotiable and should be done in a diplomatic way. I vow to have a stricter policies of gun ownership, i mean, only the responsible ones should be given a license to own; Applicant must go through psychiatric tests like anger management. Only who can pass must be allowed to own a gun. This policy can save lives!

Please feel free to share your experiences on road altercation and lets all learn from it. Drive Safely!

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